Moulinette and Moulinette Cloud

Quick overview

What is Moulinette ?

Moulinette consists of several modules developed for Foundry Virtual Tabletop (FVTT) which facilitate assets management and help GMs create their scenes and campaigns. 

Ease to use

Moulinette Cloud focuses on reducing the effort for GM to build their scenes and campaigns. See below some typical use cases.
(!! indicates a very time-consuming activity)

What is Moulinette Cloud ?

Moulinette Cloud extends the modules by connecting them to a cloud-based delivery service. Creators can easily publish their assets and configure the permissions (based on their Patreon’s tiers). Users immediately and automatically get access to these assets depending on their pledges

Add furniture (ex: table & chairs) to a map

Typical default workflow

As creator :

  • Open FVTT Tile browser
  • !! Browse and navigate folders to find the asset you want
  • Drag & drop on a scene
  • Apply additional effects (ex: shadow)

Typical Moulinette workflow

As creator :

  • Open Moulinette browser
  • Search matching tokens by name among your entire collection
  • Drag & drop on a scene, macros executed

Ready to start ?